On Monday, 26 March 2012 16:21:17 stefano wrote:
hi, i was modifying uidNumber attribute of a user but then has been standing for a few minutes and I stopped it:
root@amahoro:~# ldapmodify -x -W -D 'cn=Manager,dc=amahoro,dc=bi' Enter LDAP Password: dn: uid=stefano,cn=Admins,dc=amahoro,dc=bi changetype: modify replace: uidNumber uidNumber: 1001
modifying entry "uid=stefano,cn=Admins,dc=amahoro,dc=bi" . .
It was waiting for more input ....
. ctrl+c
CTRL-D is technically the right input here to let this ldapmodify complete.
then with an ldapsearch for this user there was not the uidNumber attribute:
It seems to be here:
dn: uid=stefano,cn=Admins,dc=amahoro,dc=bi
uidNumber: 1001
I note of course, that if you are using standard schema, it is impossible to have the posixAccount objectClass without a uidNumber attribute.
trying to add it
root@amahoro:~# ldapmodify -x -W -D 'cn=Manager,dc=amahoro,dc=bi' Enter LDAP Password: dn: uid=stefano,cn=Admins,dc=amahoro,dc=bi changetype: add add: uidNumber uidNumber: 1001
adding new entry "uid=stefano,cn=Admins,dc=amahoro,dc=bi" ldap_add: Undefined attribute type (17) additional info: add: attribute type undefined
you can see the error message what is wrong?
Your LDIF is incorrect, you asked for a changetype of 'add' (the equivalent of calling ldapadd instead of ldapmodify). This would have been correct if you had no existing uidNumber attribute:
dn: uid=stefano,cn=Admins,dc=amahoro,dc=bi add: uidNumber uidNumber: 1001
At least it should have given you a better error message (that the attribute already exists).
Regards, Buchan