Ciao, Michael,
Yes, it is a slapcat output and it is filtered: BASEDN is just a replacement. I had to remove slapo-accesslog because I was unable to login to the server anymore. So properly delete these entries was not an option for me. This is the origin of the problem.
Thanks, Giuseppe
2018-05-17 10:57 GMT+02:00 Michael Ströder
Giuseppe Civitella wrote:
while doing some tests to enable accesslog in my directory, I did enable
overlay and then disabled it because of login problems.
I doubt that you had login problems caused by slapo-accesslog.
Once restored the directory, I found a few entries like this:
dn: reqStart=20180509102412.000000Z,BASEDN objectClass: auditModify structuralObjectClass: auditModify REQSTART: 20180509102412.000000Z REQEND: 20180509102412.000001Z REQTYPE: modify
Is this slapcat output? Did you obfuscate your e-mail with "BASEDN"?
Note that removing slapo-accesslog also removed the object class and attribute type descriptions from your subschema. Typically slapcat outputs names of attribute types missing in subschema all with capital letters.
deleting entry "reqStart=20180509102412.000000Z,BASEDN" ldap_delete: Invalid DN syntax (34) additional info: invalid DN
OpenLDAP server checks schema even for DNs. Hence a DN containing 'reqStart' is an invalid DN if you don't have slapo-accesslog loaded.
Ciao, Michael.