--On Tuesday, September 17, 2013 11:27 AM -0300 Listas de Correo toshiro.listas@gmail.com wrote:
Well, that does not look so easy to me (that's why I'm asking for help :) ), specially considering that I already have a working LDAP working with several hundreds users relying on them to do their work, so it's not possible to me to start from scratch, I have to use what I already have (and not break anything in the process).
For the reason above, I can't compile OpenLDAP myself (I have to use what is already there).
It is always interesting to me when someone emails the technical list, asking for guidance from people who know the most about the software, and then ignore it. The Debian build of OpenLDAP is old, links to a potentially insecure SSL implementation, and has a variety of known bugs present in it that are known to affect replication, particularly multi-master. Understand that by continuing to use the Debian package, you are essentially setting yourself up for failure when looking at using Multi-Master Replication.
Quanah Gibson-Mount Lead Engineer Zimbra Software, LLC -------------------- Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration