On 5/7/2011 3:26 μμ, Friedrich Locke wrote:
i would like to restore data generated by slapcat. I realized some field (like userPassword) in the lidf file generated was encoded in base64. How should i restore the ldif with slapadd taking the real value string for the attribute without redefined attribute value.
base64 is automatically encoded/decoded when using slapcat/slapadd respectively. base64 is always used (automatically in exported data) in ldif for particular fields, like userPassword or others which have language-specific values, like:
cn: Nick Tester cn;lang-en-us: Nick Tester cn;lang-el-gr:: zp3Or866zr/PgiDOpM6tz4PPhM61z4E=
So, you don't have to do anything; importing the ldif will decode your data correctly.