HOW to make posixGroup a memberOf another posixGroup?? ...
You mean nested groups? Deploying posixGroup is the very same concept like Unix groups in /etc/group. And there is no such concept like nested groups there.
objectclass ( NAME 'posixGroup' DESC 'Abstraction of a group of accounts' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn $ gidNumber ) MAY ( userPassword $ memberUid $ member $ description ) )
and where is "memberOf" ??
The attribute 'memberUid' contains the numeric Unix UID of all member users of a 'posixGroup'. But where do you have this declaration with attribute 'member' from? Normally it's not declared with attribute 'member'.
memberOf is a completely different thing. It's a dynamically generated back-link from the user's entry to all the group entries a user is a member of. It cannot be used in conjunction with 'posixGroup' though.
See also man-page slapo-memberof(5).
Ciao, Michael.