Hello all,
I've got a problem with a user-defined attribute. The schema was written locally and used in a 389-DS directory. I made the necessary changes so that OpenLDAP 2.4.23-20.el6 could use it (attributeTypes -> olcAtrributeTypes, etc.). There is an attribute that needs to be added multiple times with different values. Under 389, this worked:
olcAttributeTypes: {0}(1.3.6...1000 NAME 'x-myGroup' DESC 'My Group' SYNTAX 1.3...1.15 X-ORIGIN 'user defined')
It works for adding one 'x-myGroup' attribute to an entry. However, if I try to add a second I get:
Ldap_modify: Inappropriate matching (18) additional info: modify/add: x-myGroup: no equality matching rule
The syntax specifies it's a directory string type, but adding 'EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch' to the definition causes slapd to crash when I run ldapmodify to add an x-myGroup attribute to an existing entry. This seemed to be similar to this issue http://www.openldap.org/its/index.cgi/Software%20Bugs?id=5540 , so I did a slapcat, deleted the files in /var/lib/ldap/ and restarted slapd. Loading the ldif with ldapadd caused slapd to crash again. Removing the EQUALITY statement from the attribute definition allowed me to load the ldif.
If someone could point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it.
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