--On Monday, October 17, 2022 4:51 PM +0200 Frédéric Goudal frederic.goudal@bordeaux-inp.fr wrote:
We have to install a product which use ldap and that seems to need memberof overlay. As I have read this overlay is deprecated is cause trouble with replication. So I have dug to found a replacement solution, and what I have found is to add something like that :
In the olcDynamicList
olcDlAttrSet: myPerson labeledURI myMemberOf
And in each user <user> :
labeledURI: ldap:///ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com??sub?(&(objectclass=posixgroup) (memberuid=<user>))
It sounds like you're using the older 2.4 based dynlist rather than OpenLDAP 2.5 and later dynlist?
Regards, Quanah