printf ("%s: %s\nlength: %d\n\n", a, vals[i], sizeof (vals[i]));
vals is a struct berval**.
This means vals[i] is a struct berval*.
This means the sizeof operator, which returns the size of the type, will always return the size of the pointer, because it's only a pointer. This means 4 on most 32bit systems and 8 on most 64bit systems.
And bervals are not strings. If you want to know the length, you'll have to look inside the berval. In lber.h, we have
typedef struct berval { ber_len_t bv_len; char *bv_val; } BerValue;
char * encode_64 (char *message) { #include <openssl/bio.h> #include <openssl/evp.h>
Why are you including headers inside a function?
Matthew Backes Symas Corporation