I have successfully managed to create my SSL-Connection to the OpenLDAP and from the OpenLDAP the two different Active Directorys.
But now when I perform a search with only a wildcard (e.g. (sn=*)), I don't get any results. A search with the filter (sn=l*) works fine. I get all users wich lastname starts with the letter 'l'.
When I switch back to LDAP instead of LDAPS it works fine.
Here is my slapd.conf:
#LDAP Backend configuration file # See slapd.conf(5) for details on configuration options. # This file should NOT be world readable. ucdata-path ./ucdata include ./schema/core.schema include ./schema/cosine.schema include ./schema/nis.schema include ./schema/inetorgperson.schema
pidfile ./run/slapd.pid argsfile ./run/slapd.args
# Full log level loglevel 32768 16384 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 sizelimit unlimited timelimit unlimited
# Enable TLS if port is defined for ldaps (to openldap) TLSVerifyClient never TLSCipherSuite HIGH:MEDIUM:-SSLv2:-SSLv3 TLSProtocolMin 3.3 TLSCertificateFile ./secure/certs/maxcrc.cert.pem TLSCertificateKeyFile ./secure/certs/maxcrc.key.pem TLSCACertificateFile ./secure/certs/maxcrc.cert.pem
# Configuration for Connection to example.com database meta suffix "DC=example,DC=com" rootdn "DC=example,DC=com" rebind-as-user yes uri ldaps://example.com:636/dc=example,DC=com lastmod off chase-referrals no idassert-bind bindmethod=simple binddn="cn=CN=username,OU=Users,OU=Orga,DC=example,DC=com" credentials="XXXX" tls_reqcert=never tls_cacert=./secure/certs/example.pem tls ldaps tls_reqcert=allow tls_cacert=./secure/certs/example.pem
# Configuration for Connection to Test-LDAP uri ldap://ldap.andrew.cmu.edu/dc=test,dc=exapmle,dc=com suffixmassage "dc=test,dc=example,dc=com" "dc=edu,dc=meta,dc=com"
overlay rwm rwm-map attribute uid samaccountname rwm-map attribute member memberOf rwm-map objectclass inetOrgPerson user