I'm trying to map a single objectclass to more than one objectclass using the rwm overlay. e.g.
myclass -> inetOrgPerson -> eduPerson
...because 'myclass' contains some attributes I want to rewrite to attributes belonging to inetOrgPerson, and some attributes I want to rewrite to attributes belonging to eduPerson.
The attribute rewriting seems to happen OK even if the resultant object presented by back-ldap doesn't include an objectclass that includes the relevant attributes, but I'd prefer to present something that appears more strictly correct.
Is there another overlay I should use instead?
I control the source directory, so one workaround would be to simple add some dummy objectclasses to my original objects. Then I could do something like:
rwm-map objectClass inetOrgPerson myclass rwm-map objectClass eduPerson dummyclass
Is there a better way?