Hello List, I want to correctly extend schema but I have a question regarding the OID assignment of the custom objectClass and attributes I have created. I want to know if the OID number is absolutely necessary and if I do not use an OID number, what are the repercussions if any. For example will it cause any issues say with syncing with Active Directory or any other directory down the line if I go that route , I created a custom schema extension file to extend my schema so I can associate server names containing resources to my user accounts in LDAP. This schema file has a single auxiliary objectClasses entry and three (MAY) attributeTypes entries. I added the schema file to my Directory with schema checking on and it starts up correctly. I can add this objectClass and the 3 associated attributes to any account in my directory with no issue. I have not assigned an OID to these entries only names. Does this mean the OID is not necessary?
Is there a suggested base OID I can use without requesting a company specific OID from IANA? Would be for for inter company use only. My company has an OID name space through IANA but the people that managed that are long gone and I do not want to overlap anything or cause issues. So basically I am looking to give this object class and associated attributes OID numeric assignments and am unsure how to do that.
Thank you