I'm running slapd v2.4.23 with a cn=config configuration format. The LDAP tree both has the Kerberos as well as the Samba scheme loaded.
I'm trying to setup smbk5pwd to sync Samba passwords with the LDAP passwords. Note that I do not want to do anything with the Kerberos passwords.
I use the following configuration snippet:
dn: olcOverlay={2}smbk5pwd objectClass: olcOverlayConfig objectClass: olcSmbK5PwdConfig olcOverlay: {2}smbk5pwd olcSmbK5PwdEnable: samba olcSmbK5PwdMustChange: 0
This leads to an error in the logs and the module not loading:
May 22 11:02:55 host slapd[3160]: smbk5pwd: unable to initialize krb5 admin context: failed to open /var/lib/heimdal-kdc/m-key: Permission denied (13).
Seems like smbk5pwd still wants to load the Kerberos stuff... Any ideas?