--On Friday, May 13, 2022 2:04 PM +0000 s1k2c3@naver.com wrote:
In sleepycat License,
"Redistributions in any form must be accompanied by information on how to obtain complete source code for the DB software and any accompanying software that uses the DB software."
I do not know " any accompanying software that uses the DB software" When commercial SW uses OpenLDAP and OpenLDAP uses BDB, commercial SW should be disclosed? What was user's obligation? I want to know about it exactly about sleepycat License.
This SW does not link with OpenLDAP directy.. For example, SW using GPL Licese does not need to disclose source code of SW, because it executes on seperate process. How about OpenLDAP? When SW connect to OpenLDAP on seperate process, source code of SW should be disclosed? please do not care about deprecated version.. I just want to know about Sleepycat License..
If you have legal questions about the Sleepycat License, I suggest you speak with a lawyer who specializes in Open Source licenses. OpenLDAP explicitly disabled linking aginst versions of BDB that use the newer Sleepycat License so the quoted clause would not apply. I would strongly advise you confirm the version of BDB whatever OpenLDAP you are using is linked to and what actual version of the Sleepycat License that version of BDB shipped with. And again as I already explained, you should not be using BDB with OpenLDAP, regardless.
Any further questions on this topic that are not directly related to OpenLDAP will be discarded.
Regards, Quanah