Am Fri, 31 Jul 2015 17:59:56 +0300 schrieb Eliezer Croitoru
I want to use memberof overlay but I do not have a clue on how to even look at it. I have tried to use this:
which kind of worked and it has added something to my database. Now I have tried to run some search but either I am doing something wrong or the memberof is not loaded.
So first, how do check that it is loaded? I was thinking about : ldapsearch -x -H ldap:/// -b cn=module
but again I am unsure since it won't give results. I am trying to use memberof for squid to match a group membership. Any hints? directions to understand?
I understand the basics of LDAP but this is something above basic LDAP.
If slapo-memberOf(5) is configured correctly, create a groupOfNames object and add some DN's as member attribute values. This will create an operational attribute meberOf with the DN of the groupOfNames object. If you use sqidd to authorize users, you may create a filter like (&(uid={0})(memberOf=cn=someGroup,dc=example,dc=com)) in order to search for the DN to bind.