Harish Chakravarthy wrote:
Here is more information
- I am binding to Active Directory from Solaris 10
- My php_info gives configure options as './configure'
'--prefix=/home/local/php-5.2.9' '--with-apxs2=/path/apache2/bin/apxs' '--with-ldap' '--with-ldap-sasl' '--with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl' '--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql/' '--with-gd' 3. The PATH & LD_LIBRARY_PATH listed via php_info on the browser has exactly the same settings as my user account (that executes the script from command line) 4. I have a ldap.conf file inside /opt/csw/etc/openldap . However this file is not being used by the script (command line or web). I rename the file and nothing changes!. 5. I have apache compiled for mod_ssl
Should I recompile Apache with mod_ldap or any additional modules - I using a PHP script on my webserver to gather login & password to authenticated against Active Directory?.
Thanks again for your time.
Also, does TLS work with LDAP itself? There is also comment at php.net which says:
If your version was linked against the OpenLDAP libraries, you may want to look at the ldap.conf file for more information about specifying SSL/TLS behavior. Apparently, the settings in ldap.conf make a different in the way SSL/TLS is handled by PHP.
Please, check >> http://marc.info/?l=php-windows&m=116127873321748&w=2