I think it would be a great addition! It's of course way too early for a review, but just to save time later on when you need to update the code for current Perl standards: I would drop something like CGI (it's discouraged nowadays) and use something modern and async like Mojolicious for the web requests. This mostly because when people discover this feature, they will heavily rely on it.
Le lun. 19 sept. 2022 à 18:55, Howard Chu hyc@symas.com a écrit :
Forwarding for exposure - any interest?
-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [OldapWS] -> Proposal of a REST Web Service for CRUD Operations Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2022 13:21:10 +0200 From: Olivier CHATOR olivier.chator15@gmail.com To: openldap-devel@openldap.org
Dear all,
I am a "long time user" of OpenLDAP core parts. If the core is very stable, I often received some request from application developers, complaining about the lack of REST Web Service API to manipulate their Directory objects.
Of course, as far as I could see, there is commercial solution available to do this, or even a project using Spring. But I could not see a simple proposal based on a simple Apache Server and "fully free" of rights.
I also saw (https://www.openldap.org/devel/contributing.html) that "The OpenLDAP Project welcomes contributions of independently-developed stand-alone LDAP-related software packages suitable for distribution separately from existing packages (e.g., OpenLDAP Software, JLDAP, JDBC-LDAP)".
Then, I would like to propose a full Open Source first realease of a CRUD REST Web Service to manipulate OpenLDAP's Directory Objects.
I know that this first release is very limited in term of features, but I think it does the "core job", and may be a common base to be enriched to build a real OpenLDAP REST API ? Package available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1s4zlTleJ1JWhQWP2kLGHtTRofpWNevS7?usp...
Thanks for your time reading this proposal, do not hesitate to ask if you have any question. Kind regards, Olivier Chator