I've been dumbfounded since starting to dive into openldap. I've been trying to set up and make this overlay work on my current openldap server. I might be looking in the wrong place or might have missed something but I've tried all sorts of approach to this and haven't been successfull in making it work. I've done the following: 1. Compile the source of lastbind against the rpm version of openldap... 2. Compile openldap from source tarball... 3. Compile openldap via source rpm... 4. Compile the openldap source rpm from ltb-project.org....
...to no avail. I've been able to compile and run each and every single install above, this includes being able to load the lastbind overlay successfully(I assume it is because I don't get any error or warning via the logs or stdout).
The reason why I'm saying it isn't working is I can't see the AuthTimestamp attribute anywhere in my database. Here's an output of slapcat and ldapsearch for your review: [VIA SLAPCAT] dn: uid=pepe,ou=People,dc=mydomain,dc=org uid: pepe cn: Pepe Longstocking objectClass: account objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: top objectClass: shadowAccount userPassword:: e2NyeXB0fSQ2JEtyZGVTbWt4JHh2RlVPNDBES1pQYXpsQjhNdFlZT0xQQzJlbzJ shadowLastChange: 15358 shadowMax: 35 shadowWarning: 35 loginShell: /bin/ksh uidNumber: 415 gidNumber: 211 homeDirectory: /home/pepe gecos: Pepe Longstocking structuralObjectClass: account entryUUID: c3f61524-eb3b-1030-9440-fbc6b87b1061 creatorsName: cn=Manager,dc=mydomain,dc=org createTimestamp: 20120214094108Z entryCSN: 20120214094108.039363Z#000000#000#000000 modifiersName: cn=Manager,dc=mydomain,dc=org modifyTimestamp: 20120214094108Z
[LDAPSEARCH] dn: uid=pepe,ou=People,dc=mydomain,dc=org uid: pepe cn: Pepe Longstocking objectClass: account objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: top objectClass: shadowAccount userPassword:: e2NyeXB0fSQ2JEtyZGVTbWt4JHh2RlVPNDBES1pQYXpsQjhNdFlZT0xQQzJlbzJ shadowLastChange: 15278 loginShell: /bin/ksh uidNumber: 416 gidNumber: 211 homeDirectory: /home/pepe gecos: Pepe Longstocking