2011/6/8 Jonathan Clarke jonathan@openldap.org:
On 07/06/11 08:06, Silvio Verrecchia wrote:
Hello gurus,
I'm migrating a Sun DS to Openldap and I've an highly personalized 99user.ldif file with user defined objectclass and attributes (hundreds... :( :( ) Regarding personalized schema definitions, is there a way (script/batch/etc) to convert quickly and easly a Sun DS 99user.ldif file to the standard OpenLDAP schema files ?
Any suggestion is highly appreciated !
Thank you very much!
There is a script that does this the other way round, here: http://blogs.oracle.com/Ludo/entry/opends_tips_adding_schema_from
I expect you could adapt it to reverse the process without too much hassle.
some notes here: http://www.linid.org/projects/openldap-manager/wiki/MigrationSunOracle
This wiki page should be completed soon.