29.10.2012 14:59, Whiteman, Craig пишет:
# James + Bond, people, mi6.gov.uk dn: cn=James+sn=Bond,ou=people,dc=mi6,dc=gov,dc=uk sn: Bond givenName: James cn:: U3RldmUg gecos:: U3RldmUg
As you can see, the *cn:* and *gecos:* have the invalid values - they should be *James Bond*.
How can I correct the invalid values in the LDAP database?
That is rather strange bug (perhaps mental one), because there is no "James", not a "Bond" but there is a "Steve", hm... echo U3RldmUg|base64 -d Steve May I look at the entire database? :)
Actually cn and gecos have correct values, but encoded.