I can see the following logs:
5ed7ca87 : config_add_internal: DN="cn=config" already exists slapadd: could not add entry dn="cn=config" (line=1):
In order to prepare multi-master replication, I imported config & data, with ldif export from another server. I imported with slapadd -F. It's not a best practice I believe.
Now I exported config with "slapcat -n 0", but my export keeps traces, isn't it? Can I correct this?
I don't know what this statement means (my export keeps traces).
Sorry for my english. If I play "slapadd -d -1 -n 0 -l /tmp/config.ldif", there is the error above. If I specify "-F /etc/ldap/slap.d" in the slapadd command, it works fine. Do you know why?