Le 11/01/2022 à 16:27, Howard Chu a écrit :
David Coutadeur wrote:
When doing a backup / restore on my OpenLDAP 2.5.9 instance, I faced a behaviour that I think must be defined explicitely, in draft-behera-ldap-password-policy, or at least in OpenLDAP documentation.
My backup contains an entry like this:
dn: uid=test,ou=people,ou=branch,dc=example,dc=com cn: test sn: test givenName: test uid: test userPassword: secret pwdChangedTime: 20220110153431Z mail: test@domain.com objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: person
There is also a valid default password policy: (which must be defined before the users in the backup file)
dn: cn=default,ou=ppolicies,dc=example,dc=com objectClass: pwdPolicy objectClass: pwdPolicyChecker objectClass: organizationalRole cn: default pwdMaxAge: 7776000 pwdAttribute: userPassword pwdCheckQuality: 2 pwdLockout: TRUE pwdMaxFailure: 5 pwdMinLength: 6 pwdMustChange: TRUE pwdCheckModule: /usr/local/openldap/lib64/ppm.so
When restoring the backup with this command:
ldapadd -x -h '' -D 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com' -w 'secret' -f backup.ldif -e relax
I have an error showing that the attribute pwdChangedTime is duplicated and must not be defined twice.
Backups should be restored with slapadd. Or you should strip all operational attributes when using ldapadd.
As you can see in the entry above, there is no operational attributes except pwdChangedTime.
I need to include pwdChangedTime, else the password won't expire at the desired date.
I assume that the password policy does not replace my pwdChangedTime value with the current date, but duplicates the attribute.
The ppolicy overlay sets the attribute to the current time if you have an aging policy defined. Probably it should check that pwdChangedTime does not already exist, but it is not expected for normal users to be LDAPadding entries with this operational attribute included.
I suppose an admin changing the pwdChangedTime of an entry with the relax rule is a valid use case.
Thus, if it is a valid use case, we should be able to combine it with other operations, like changing the userPassword.
So we should define the behaviour in such case.
I agree with your suggestion: it seems more interresting for the given pwdChangedTime to take precedence over the one computed by the password policy.
If it is ok for you, I can create an issue.
Could you define this behaviour somewhere?
1/ Is it possible to update the pwdChangedTime attribute along with the userPassword ?
2/ If so, what value should be stored? (the given value or the current date?)
3/ Optionally, update OpenLDAP code according to the defined behaviour
Thanks in advance for your answer.