On Sat, Oct 16, 2021 at 04:11:25PM +0200, A. Schulze wrote:
Am 16.10.21 um 00:06 schrieb Nick Folino:
Thanks, Howard. That's basically what I'm doing now. Just checking to see if there was an option I was missing.
just an idea: maybe a similar function could be added to slapd itself. One clean & reasonable fast implementation take the burden of inventing that wheel again and again from many users. A new config options would allow to enable convenient timestamp logging.
Hi, OpenLDAP is still capable of logging to syslog and that formats timestamps in a way that suits causal needs (and is generally configurable). The dedicated logfile option is there for sites where syslog is not appropriate as it has proven to be a significant performance bottleneck even with logging set to "stats" only.