I am sending this again because somehow never arrived on the list.
On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 21:49:34 +0100 (BST) ghenry@OpenLDAP.org wrote:
Please also cc the list.
If I understood it correctly, on N-way Multi-Master replication any member can accept write operations while on MirrorMode only must|should accept write operations.
I had a MirrorMode configured and I was able to send writes on both servers and each server was replicating the changes without problems. The test which I did was very simple, first add/remove an entry on the first and then add/remove an entry on the second.
So, the above test made to wonder about the differences between MirrorMode and 2-way mulit-master.
what is the reason on a MirrorMode replication to force all write operations to one of the members of the replication?
Did you read the above link? It doesn't look like you did.
Well I must admit I can't read very so I will guess that the reason is to guarantee consistency in the database.
How do you guarantee consistency in the database on N-way Multi-Master replication where any member can accept write operations?
BTW, what about the syncpro overlay settings which are not part of the MirrorMode configuration example?
Again, please read the docs:
It specifically says:
" Mirror Node Configuration
This is the same as the Set up the provider slapd section."
where it links to the section that show the syncprov overlay config.
Please read the docs.
Oops I must overlooked that.
Thanks, Pavlos