I'm having problems finding documentation for range filters. Can someone explain to me how to use a range filter on shadowExpire?
From nis.schema: attributetype ( NAME 'shadowExpire' EQUALITY integerMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) so it's an integer value.
from my slapd.conf (openldap 2.3.38): index shadowExpire pres,eq
I'd like to find entries where either shadowExpire is not present, or shadowExpire is present and greater than or equal to X.
# ldapsearch -x '(&(objectclass=shadowaccount)(shadowexpire=*))' dn returns 978 entries.
# ldapsearch -x '(&(objectclass=shadowaccount)(!(shadowexpire=*)))' dn returns 311 entries.
But: # ldapsearch -x '(&(objectclass=shadowaccount)(shadowexpire>1000))' dn gives me ldap_search_ext: Bad search filter (-7) and # ldapsearch -x '(&(objectclass=shadowaccount)(shadowexpire>=1000))' dn returns no results.
At least one entry has shadowExpire > 1000: # ldapsearch -x -LLL uid=toni objectclass shadowexpire dn: cn=Batovanja Antonio,ou=People,ou=EDV Zentrale,dc=humanomed,dc=at objectClass: person objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: shadowAccount objectClass: hmUserExtention objectClass: organizationalPerson shadowExpire: 20000
My final filter should be (|(shadowExpire=0)(shadowExpire>=14910)(!(shadowExpire=*))) but that's not working
What am I doing wrong?
Cheers, Toni