Hey guys,
Hi. What version? Also, I's not clear (to me) whether you're configuring slapo-ppolicy also on the proxy. If this is the case, I think you're not doing the right thing.
I currently have a multi-master system setup with a back_ldap
proxying frontend. We are using ppolicy and it is loaded fine and works on the two masters but I'm experiencing a little weirdness on the proxy side. It works fine but when I implemented password expirations the other day I keep seeing messages on the proxy like: ppolicy_bind: Setting warning for password expiry for .... = 0 seconds These entries should not be receiving any warning messages and I know my settings are correct because if I redirect to one of the masters the log output is what I expect. Also, if I run a perl script that uses password policy controls and look for time_before_expiration, the value is always 0 on the proxy while it is not even set if pwdExpireWarning is not met or a sane value if it is on the masters.
After reading slapo-ppolicy it looks like maybe I should be setting olcPPolicyForwardUpdates to TRUE (?) and set a olcupdateRef in olcDatabase={1}ldap,cn=config to both masters but it spits at me every time I try it.
olcUpdateRef only makes sense when the database is shadow - i.e. it also contains a olcSyncrepl directive. The indications above make sense when slapo-ppolicy is on a shadow database; you're trying to use them on a proxy, which is usually not a shadow.
It also says a chain overlay should be set as well but when I read slapo-chain its says: "It is useless in conjunction with the slapd-ldap and slapd-meta backends because they already exploit the libldap specific referral chase feature."
This indication makes sense: slapo-chain uses libldap calls, which can be configured to automatically handle referrals. However, in general, slapo-chain can be used instead of the built-in referral chase capabilities, because it allows finer grain control on what identity is used/propagated during referral chasing. But this should be outside the scope of your issue.
If I remove ppolicy overlay I don't see any of the values.
Please clarify: what do you mean by "I don't see any of the values"? I0ve checked with HEAD code, and I've noticed that indeed ppolicy control responses don't get propagated from a remote DSA through the proxy. Is this what you mean? I'm filing an ITS about this. Actually, I think the reason is related to ITS#6166 (Followup 1); however, we need to fix it now rather than wait for that fix.
I need the proxy to be able to see these attributes (as in those making queries to it) and not hammer my logs with incorrect messages. Is it possible to make this work, am I doing some wrong?
I know I didn't answer your question, but I need a clearer description of what you're trying to accomplish. And there seems to be an issue related to slapd-ldap behavior when control responses are to be returned during a bind.