Alexandru Ocheana wrote:
objectclass ( NAME 'infoVCard' DESC 'Extra Information Card' AUXILIARY )
dn: uid=alex,ou=People,dc=info,dc=uaic,dc=ro objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: shadowAccount cn: Alexandru sn: Ocheana userPassword: {SSHA}BBxUpzvO93HlFEFPSkexvXA7G06UBYO4 loginShell: /bin/bash uidNumber: 2000 gidNumber: 2000 homeDirectory: /home/alex
## ------------------------- ## HERE I BELIEVE IS AN ERROR BUT WHICH IS THE CORRECT WAY TO ADD IT? ## THIS PART IS TO ADD DATA TO THAT NEW SCHEMA ## ------------------------- dn: uid=alex,ou=People,dc=info,dc=uaic,dc=ro objectClass: infoVCard cnp: myCNP emailContact: [..] adding new entry "uid=alex,ou=People,dc=info,dc=uaic,dc=ro" ldap_add: Object class violation (65) additional info: no structural object class provided
The error message is pretty clear. Your "second" entry record does not have any STRUCTURAL object class.
You're defining two LDIF entry records with same DN which represent two distinct entries.
You either want to simple merge both to one entry record or learn how LDIF *change* records are defined (see RFC 2849).
Combined single entry record (to be used with ldapadd tool):
------------------------------------------------- dn: uid=alex,ou=People,dc=info,dc=uaic,dc=ro objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: shadowAccount objectClass: infoVCard cn: Alexandru sn: Ocheana userPassword: {SSHA}BBxUpzvO93HlFEFPSkexvXA7G06UBYO4 loginShell: /bin/bash uidNumber: 2000 gidNumber: 2000 homeDirectory: /home/alex cnp: myCNP emailContact:
Or two separate change records (add and modify) for one add operation and a subsequent modify operation (to be used with ldapmodify tool):
------------------------------------------------- dn: uid=alex,ou=People,dc=info,dc=uaic,dc=ro changetype: add objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: shadowAccount cn: Alexandru sn: Ocheana userPassword: {SSHA}BBxUpzvO93HlFEFPSkexvXA7G06UBYO4 loginShell: /bin/bash uidNumber: 2000 gidNumber: 2000 homeDirectory: /home/alex
dn: uid=alex,ou=People,dc=info,dc=uaic,dc=ro changetype: modify add: objectClass objectClass: infoVCard - add: cnp cnp: myCNP - add: emailContact emailContact: -
But really: Look at RFC 2849 to understand the details within the example above!
Ciao, Michael.