Yesterday I tried importing a large ldif file into my ldap server via phpldapadmin and everything got hosed during the import.
I tried deleting the db.* and *.bdb and log.* files so I could start over and tried importing the ldif file from the command line. Yikes! I don't think that was a good idea! Now, anytime I try to start the ldap server and run any kind of command, I get:
ldap_bind: Can't contact LDAP server (-1)
I read a little about using tools to recover the database, but since I already deleted the .bdb files, I think I am out of luck there. Is my only hope to re-install the server? Does anyone know why this happens?
Thanks so much for all of your help, Kristen
-- Kristen Walker
Digital Media Resources Developer Instructional Media Services Santa Barbara County Education Office 4400 Cathedral Oaks Road P.O. Box 6307 Santa Barbara, CA 93160-6307 (805)964-4711 ext. 5244/FAX (805)683-3597
On 8/14/08 8:18 AM, "Michael Ströder" wrote:
Kós Tamás wrote:
I got a little bit off topic problem, but I hope you can help me about it. We got an LDAP directory, with many names. We got some same CNs for instance: John Smiths. The only difference is between the 2 names is the e-mail address. How can I modify one of them? ldapmodify request DN, but our enviroment DN seems to be DN: CN=John Smiths. How can I include the e-mail address to the DN?
You can use either just attribute 'mail' as characteristic attribute for forming the RDN.
mail=jsmiths,< of DN..> mail=johnsmiths,< of DN..>
Or you could use so-called multi-valued RDNs:
cn=John Smiths+mail=jsmiths,< of DN..> cn=John Smiths+mail=johnsmiths,< of DN..>
As you can see , and + and some other chars are special in DN string representation so you have to escape them (see RFC 4514).
Ciao, Michael.