On Tue, Jul 07 2020 at 11:43:14 -0000, Mig Ovie scribbled in "OpenLDAP in different directories":
I am new to OpenLDAP y would like to know whether I can install it on the /mnt.
For this case, I am not allowed to install it on /etc or /usr or /var , which I believe will create many issues.
Is it feasible/advisable?
It's possible, and just requires a change of configuration (either the "directory" option for a particular database, when using a slapd.conf setup, or the "olcDbDirectory" attribute for a particular olcDatabase when using a slapd-config setup). We commonly host directories using /srv/some/path/to/directory-db, rather than /var/lib/ldap, for example. See either slapd.conf(5) or slapd-config(5) for more info.
That doesn't answer whether it's feasible or advisable though. That can only really answered with the additional context of why you can't install in /etc, /usr, or /var, as many other things (like the slapd process binding well known ports) will likely also fail if it's purely a matter of access and privileges.