2011/4/28 Michael Ströder michael@stroeder.com:
Marco Pizzoli wrote:
could someone point me to some resources, in particular usage examples, about DIT content rules?
dITContentRule ( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.2 NAME 'inetOrgPerson-dcr' NOT ( x121Address ) AUX ( msPerson $ musician $ germanBankArrangement $ posixAccount $ sambaSamAccount $ vPIMUser $ inetLocalMailRecipient $ shadowAccount $ simpleSecurityObject $ pwdPolicy $ msPwdResetObject $ eduPerson $ schacPersonalCharacteristics ) )
Note that the OID is the OID of the accompanying structural object class.
What exactly do you want to do? You should read RFC 4512 for the details.
My web2ldap obeys DIT content rules and therefore I'm usually limiting the usable attributes in object classes with NOT to reduce the number of unneeded input fields. You can also use web2ldap's schema browser to dig into the schema of a server.
Ciao, Michael.
Hy guys, Thank you both for the help.
Andrew: great document! Michael: thank you very much for the example. I had read the RFC but I was still searching an usage example. Your web2ldap is on my todo list.