We have multimaster replication in place, and sync replication is working. However, we have noticed some glue values for certain entries. What could be the reason for these glue entries, and how can we avoid them?
This is a sample entry wit glue values for objectClass and structuralObjectClass attribtues. Please suggest how to avoid these glue values.
dn: cn=organizational users,o=test,cn=test,cn=acd,o=in.bbn.ac entryUUID: 2acd5574-47fb-4414-b930-65d3fefc40cb creatorsName: cn=Directory Manager,o=in.bbn.ac createTimestamp: 20240730130003Z entryCSN: 20240730130003.412795Z#000000#001#000000 modifiersName: cn=Directory Manager,o=in.bbn.ac modifyTimestamp: 20240730130003Z objectClass: top objectClass: glue structuralObjectClass: glue