Hi Dan,
I did this 2 days ago, and it's very easy to do. First you stop the LDAP-server and do the slapcat thing to make a backup of the DIT that is in your bdb. Then you make a new entry in slapd.conf (or your cn=config) for hdb, just like the entry you have for bdb. In slapd.conf you 'd also enter a new path to your new hdb, maybe alongside the old bdb, e.g. /usr/local/openldap/var/db/hdb. In the global section of slapd.config, activate ModuleLoad back_hdb.la
Then make the new physical path to the new hdb directory, copy the DB_CONFIG file into it and adjust ownership to the new directory tree (ldap:ldap).
Start the LDAP-server again and do the slapadd thing to import the DIT into your new hdb.
Regs, Kuba
On Thu, 2011-01-13 at 17:11 +0100, dan picon wrote:
I would like to use hdb as the back-end for my openldap server in order to support subtree-renaming.
Untill today i'm using dbd and i have some questions before i change it to hdb:
will existing entries be deleted? If yes, what is the best way to restore it?
Thank you,