I figured it out.
I had a duplicate search base in the nslcd.conf.
On 08/15/2016 07:38 PM, John Lewis wrote:
I don't use netgroups. I actually never seen net groups in use.
On 08/15/2016 03:55 PM, Dan White wrote:
On 08/15/16 14:50 -0400, John Lewis wrote:
The commands return duplicate data is getent passwd and getent group, if I don't add a specific user as a parameter in the command.
# /etc/nsswitch.conf
passwd: compat ldap group: compat ldap
Are you using netgroups in /etc/passwd?
On 08/14/16 13:50 -0400, John Lewis wrote:
uid nslcd gid nslcd uri ldap://localhost base dc=d,dc=oflameo,dc=com ldap_version 3 binddn cn=ldap-connect,ou=Users,dc=d,dc=oflameo,dc=com bindpw x tls_cacertfile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt base dc=d,dc=oflameo,dc=com filter passwd (objectClass=posixAccount) filter group (objectClass=posixGroup) map passwd uid uid map passwd uidNumber uidNumber map passwd loginShell loginShell map passwd homeDirectory homeDirectory map passwd gecos gecos map passwd gidNumber gidNumber map group member member bind_timelimit 60 timelimit 60 idle_timelimit 300
Do you have multiple users which meet the above criteria?