Hello, sorry for being a noob but I have a question regarding the MDB_INTEGERKEY flag.
I am using the LMDB library through Lua wrappers from https://github.com/shmul/lightningmdb.
I have an LMDB file which was created with keys that are named "key0", "key1", ...
When I open the database with mdb_dbi_open(txn, NULL, MDB_INTEGERKEY, & dbi) and enumerate keys with successive calls to mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &val, MDB_NEXT) the key values that I read are the same as in the LMDB (i.e. "key0", ...). Since I am using the MDB_INTEGERKEY flag I was hoping to read keys as 1,2,3, etc. And I thought I would then be able to retrieve entries doing e.g. mdb_get(txn, dbi, "1", &data).
Am I doing anything wrong or is MDB_INTEGERKEY just used to enforce integer keys when putting entries?
To give my question some background: what I am trying to achieve is to read entries in my LMDB file in random/arbitrary order. Since I have may 10 million entries or more, I do not want to store keys in memory. I'd rather retrieve entries using an index. Is that possible? Note that I do not have control over the key naming convention so keys could be named anything.