I have a master OpenLDAP server, with a bunch of slaves, and then Linux
clients talking to the slaves. We've used olcUpdateRef/updateref for a
while, but have a situation where we need to proxy connection on behalf of
clients via the slaves.
So we have configured a slapo-chain(5) overlay, with the following settings:
olcDbURI: ldap://
olcDbIDAssertBind: bindmethod=simple \
binddn="cn=update,dc=example,dc=ca" \
credentials=s3cr3t mode=self
olcDbRebindAsUser: TRUE
However, when users try to run passwd(1) (with pam_ldap.conf(5) having the
"pam_password exop" setting) they get:
> LDAP password information update failed: Strong(er) authentication required
only authenticated users may change passwords
> passwd: Permission denied
> passwd: password unchanged
On the master, we have:
> Apr 12 13:14:00 ops slapd[26119]: conn=16 fd=32 ACCEPT from
IP=111.222.333.444:59985 (IP=
> Apr 12 13:14:00 ops slapd[26119]: conn=16 op=0 BIND dn="" method=128
> Apr 12 13:14:00 ops slapd[26119]: conn=16 op=0 RESULT tag=97 err=0 text=
> Apr 12 13:14:00 ops slapd[26119]: conn=16 op=1 EXT
> Apr 12 13:14:00 ops slapd[26119]: conn=16 op=1 PASSMOD
> Apr 12 13:14:00 ops slapd[26119]: conn=16 op=1 RESULT oid= err=8
text=only authenticated users may change passwords
The (cn=update...) DN has an "authzTo" attribute set to
I'm guessing I may need to set idassert-authzFrom (olc equiv?) to
something. Is this correct? If so, should it be restricted to ou=People?
If not, what am I missing?
Thanks for any info.