This is probably more a ldif than an OpenLDAP question, but still, maybe
somebody knows the answer: Is there a way to put multibyte characters
into an attribute value and let the server know, these are not to be
treated literally, but are utf8 character encodings?
I've tried to dig into rfc3629 and 4517, but those were above my
It does of course work for the dn, it also works, if I provide base64
code to the attributes, but is there a way, to directly put them into a
ldif an let the server know, these are character encodings?
Also, rfc2849 only talks about not line breaking multi-byte characters.
In this silly, but easy, example, both cn: and description: are entered
literally, while the dn words as intended:
dn: cn=A \F0\9F\99\82 Test,dc=example,dc=com
cn: A \F0\9F\99\82 Test
objectClass: person
sn: Test
description: %xF0%x9F%x99%x82 Test
This is about understanding, not about the intention, to really put a
smily into a dn. I am aware, this a potential recipe for disaster.
Also, I am aware, the OpenLDAP kindly adds a proper cn value anyway, but
that does not help here. And still would leave the description open.
Also, as mentioned before:
echo -en "A \xF0\x9F\x99\x82 Test" | base64
is a viable workaround, but a cumbersome one.
So maybe there is an easier way