Thank you very much Quanah for your response!
> Sort of. If you added the schema and then an object, the other masters
> should halt replication at that point until they have a matching schema.
That's interesting.
> Not really, no. It does depend on the version of OpenLDAP in use, as
> there
> were some bugs in older OpenLDAP versions that would allow the object to
> partially replicate or the object to just get skipped, which could cause
> headache. But those issues were fixed.
So then best practice with tree sync is add the schema to all masters
first, then an object. which would make sense.
> I would say that by doing cn=config replication, you've added a wide
> surface area for new issues to occur. I generally view cn=config
> replication as more of a beta feature. There are still ongoing issues
> being resolved and fixed for it (For example, ITS#8616 in the most recent
> 2.4.47 release)
Hmm... so would you recommend removing the replication of cn=config for
now? Individually adding the schema to each master is feasible for us.
Thank you again