I did not use -q on slapadd.
Essentially I do a slapadd -f /etc/openldap/slapd.conf -b o=myco,c=us, -v
-w > load_myco.log
We have three databases, so there are three slapadd above with -b
o=myapps,c=us -v -w > load_apps.log and a -b o=mycust,c=us -v -w >
We have a very large custom schema and three databases, so we are still
using slapd.conf instead of cn=config. The schema dates back to the 1990s.
The database is "bdb" on all three schemas.
The three production subscribers are load balanced and just one publisher,
which is not load balanced. It is used by some java applications (which
are also clustered) for updates. I am hoping that we can replace
subscribers over the course of several weeks since there is quite a bit
involved and have them up and running in production with the publisher
still on 2.4.40 and the subscribers on 2.4.44.
I am working with a VMWare person on planning how we are going to rename
the servers.