here the step i begin to make a clean migration between ldap(s) with
different version of gosa schema :
a ) I export all my users from old ldap + old gosa 2.6.2 into a backup
ldif file backup.ldif,
b) I create a new openLdap (last release version) on a server wich run
with all the new schema for gosa 2.7.1
c) I start with a new bdb which get the data from my backup.ldif :
database config
rootdn "cn=admin,cn=config"
rootpw {SSHA}...
database bdb
suffix "dc=parisgeo,dc=cnrs,dc=fr"
rootdn "cn=admin,dc=parisgeo,dc=cnrs,dc=fr"
rootpw {SSHA}....
c ) I import the backup.ldif into the new ldap, no problem at this step !
d ) i install the new version of Gosa on apache2, and i configure
gosa.conf to connect to this dn ="cn=admin,cn=config" with the good
admin password.
At this step i'm not sure, but i think gosa want a specific
administrator dn, not THE config dn, can you certify me this point ?
If it's the case, the new LDAP doesn't have the correct ACL and i think
i need to import old ACL for specific administrors of Gosa. But i'm not
sure, it is possible to use the cn=config access to use with gosa ?
Thansk for enlightements,