This seems related:
root # ldapsearch [blah] -b ou=623392770,ou=section1,o=base dn
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <ou=623392770,ou=section1,o=base> with scope subtree
# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: dn
# 621588406, section2, base
dn: cn=621588406,ou=section2,o=base
# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success
# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1
Note the completely different DNs. Searching with the base set to the DN returned above returns no results, but searching on one of the attributes (ie. cn=621588406, as below) returns 5 copies of the same entry.
Any ideas?
I'm about to take the offending server down and run slapindex but I fear the problem is in dn2id.bdb and id2entry.bdb, which I don't believe slapindex fixes.
Mark Mcdonald <> laid ink upon scroll at Monday, March 12, 2007 2:57 PM:
> I was wondering if anyone has seen anything like this before:
> root# ldapsearch [blah] 'cn=username' dn cn
> # extended LDIF
> #
> # LDAPv3
> # base <ou=people,o=base> with scope subtree
> # filter: cn=username
> # requesting: dn cn
> #
> # username, people, base
> dn: cn=username,ou=people,o=base
> cn: username
> # username, people, base
> dn: cn=username,ou=people,o=base
> cn: username
> # username, people, base
> dn: cn=username,ou=people,o=base
> cn: username
> # username, people, base
> dn: cn=username,ou=people,o=base
> cn: username
> # search result
> search: 2
> result: 0 Success
> # numResponses: 5
> # numEntries: 4
> Then when I try to delete the entry:
> root # ldapdelete
> Enter LDAP Password:
> cn=username,ou=people,o=base
> ldap_delete: No such object (32)
> matched DN: ou=people,o=base
> I haven't tried doing restarting slapd or the usual
> db_recover stuff yet as it's not causing a problem (yet). Is
> it symptomatic of a known issue?
> slapd 2.3.30
> back-hdb
> Built against db 4.2.52 (standard Ubuntu Edgy package)
> Thanks
> Mark