OpenLDAP 2.6.2 is now available for download as detailed on our download page:
and should soon be available on all official mirrors:
This is a maintenance release and is made available for general use. Users of OpenLDAP Software are encouraged to upgrade.
Project contributors:
Howard Chu (Symas Corp)
Quanah Gibson-Mount (Klarna)
Ondřej Kuzník (Symas Corp)
Community contributors:
Orgad Shaneh
Anton Bobrov
David Coutadeur
OpenLDAP 2.6.2 Release (2022/05/04)
Added libldap support for OpenSSL 3.0 (ITS#9436)
Added slapd support for OpenSSL 3.0 (ITS#9436)
Fixed ldapdelete to prune LDAP subentries (ITS#9737)
Fixed libldap to drop connection when non-LDAP data is received (ITS#9803)
Fixed libldap to allow newlines at end of included file (ITS#9811)
Fixed slapd slaptest conversion of olcLastBind (ITS#9808)
Fixed slapd to correctly init global_host earlier (ITS#9787)
Fixed slapd bconfig locking for cn=config replication (ITS#9584)
Fixed slapd usage of thread local counters (ITS#9789)
Fixed slapd to clear runqueue task correctly (ITS#9785)
Fixed slapd idletimeout handling (ITS#9820)
Fixed slapd syncrepl handling of new sessions (ITS#9584)
Fixed slapd to clear connections on bind (ITS#9799)
Fixed slapd to correctly advance connections index (ITS#9831)
Fixed slapd syncrepl ODSEE replication of unknown attr (ITS#9801)
Fixed slapd-asyncmeta memory leak in keepalive setting (ITS#9802)
Fixed slapd-ldap memory leak in keepalive setting (ITS#9802)
Fixed slapd-meta SEGV on config rewrite (ITS#9802)
Fixed slapd-meta ordering on config rewrite (ITS#9802)
Fixed slapd-meta memory leak in keepalive setting (ITS#9802)
Fixed slapd-monitor SEGV on shutdown (ITS#9809)
Fixed slapd-monitor crash when hitting sizelimit (ITS#9832)
Fixed slapd-sql to properly escape filter value (ITS#9815)
Added slapo-autoca support for OpenSSL 3.0 (ITS#9436)
Added slapo-otp support for OpenSSL 3.0 (ITS#9436)
Fixed slapo-dynlist dynamic group regression (ITS#9825)
Fixed slapo-pcache SEGV on shutdown (ITS#9809)
Fixed slapo-ppolicy operation handling to be consistent (ITS#9794)
Fixed slapo-translucent to correctly duplicate substring filters (ITS#9818)
Build Environment
Add ability to override default compile time paths (ITS#9675)
Fix compiliation with certain versions of gcc (ITS#9790)
Fix compilation with openssl exclusions (ITS#9791)
Fix warnings from make jobserver (ITS#9788)
Update ppm module to the 2.1 release (ITS#9814)
admin26 Document new lloadd features (ITS#9780)
Fixed slapd.conf(5)/slapd-config(5) syncrepl sizelimit/timelimit documentation (ITS#9804)
Fixed slapd-sock(5) to clarify "sockresps result" behavior (ITS#8255)
SHA3-512(openldap-2.6.2.tgz)= 2b46c87636332cd134cc553ac456d6ca2630ae8b5aabbf550d62f9f08af3979d864edcea67e89c1184f7177b4b2e343965411862ed70253630576a90ee058067
OpenLDAP 2.5.12 is now available for download as detailed on our download page:
and should soon be available on all official mirrors:
This is a maintenance release and is made available for general use. Users of OpenLDAP Software are encouraged to upgrade.
Project contributors:
Howard Chu (Symas Corp)
Quanah Gibson-Mount (Klarna)
Ondřej Kuzník (Symas Corp)
Community contributors:
Orgad Shaneh
OpenLDAP 2.5.12 Release (2022/05/04)
Fixed libldap to drop connection when non-LDAP data is received (ITS#9803)
Fixed libldap to allow newlines at end of included file (ITS#9811)
Fixed slapd slaptest conversion of olcLastBind (ITS#9808)
Fixed slapd usage of thread local counters (ITS#9789)
Fixed slapd to clear runqueue task correctly (ITS#9785)
Fixed slapd idletimeout handling (ITS#9820)
Fixed slapd bconfig locking for cn=config replication (ITS#9584)
Fixed slapd syncrepl handling of new sessions (ITS#9584)
Fixed slapd to clear connections on bind (ITS#9799)
Fixed slapd to correctly advance connections index (ITS#9831)
Fixed slapd syncrepl ODSEE replication of unknown attr (ITS#9801)
Fixed slapd-asyncmeta memory leak in keepalive setting (ITS#9802)
Fixed slapd-ldap memory leak in keepalive setting (ITS#9802)
Fixed slapd-meta SEGV on config rewrite (ITS#9802)
Fixed slapd-meta ordering on config rewrite (ITS#9802)
Fixed slapd-meta memory leak in keepalive setting (ITS#9802)
Fixed slapd-monitor SEGV on shutdown (ITS#9809)
Fixed slapd-sql to properly escape filter value (ITS#9815)
Fixed slapo-dynlist dynamic group regression (ITS#9825)
Fixed slapo-pcache SEGV on shutdown (ITS#9809)
Fixed slapo-ppolicy operation handling to be consistent (ITS#9794)
Fixed slapo-translucent to correctly duplicate substring filters (ITS#9818)
Build Environment
Fix compilation with openssl exclusions (ITS#9791)
Fix warnings from make jobserver (ITS#9788)
Fix compiliation with certain versions of gcc (ITS#9790)
Fixed slapd.conf(5)/slapd-config(5) syncrepl sizelimit/timelimit documentation (ITS#9804)
SHA3-512(openldap-2.5.12.tgz)= dd19b84fb1d0863ecf30980c224d3eb655dbac61f1bee46cac8c6e97720d04a12dff4c380bcbf4084e8679b2be24ad0d92aba3e7c373436b5fa47e033637854c
The OpenLDAP 2.5.11 SHA3-512 hash is:
SHA3-512(openldap-2.5.11.tgz)= ada89bb30cf2260bf81c95a6a384979358c55c7dad82e4555fac037a3ed81ce882c8a6167200ddeceb78de0e4a7fc5081bfd0e63f4764c13d2c635fcafb45406
The OpenLDAP Project recently adopted a new release strategy that is more
friendly to the needs of the communities that are using its software. The new
strategy provides for both a stable long-term release and for a series of
shorter-term releases that add new features at the expense of more frequent
and sometimes disruptive upgrades.
The OpenLDAP Project has adopted a two-stream release model consisting of a
Long Term Support (LTS) release and multiple Feature Releases. To start,
OpenLDAP 2.5 will serve as a stable long term base and OpenLDAP 2.6 and
later releases will build on that with new features. This means a change to
the Project's single-stream model in which only the current release and one
previous release are supported. Instead, the Project will support the current
LTS Release and the current Feature Release with some limited overlaps. This
allows users to choose whether they want rock-solid set-it-forget-it stability
with only patch fixes or to stay at the head of the feature stream in a
supported release. Periodically the Project will promote a Feature Release to
an LTS Release and the cycle will start all over again.
The Project will continue to use the major.minor.patch release number format.
LTS Releases
The LTS release stream is intended for deployments that prioritize stability
over features. A particular LTS release stream is identified by a specific
major and a minor release number (e.g., 2.5) and starts at some non-zero
patch number, reflecting the point at which the Project deems it ready to
serve in an LTS capacity. The patch number increments monotonically with each
patch release to indicate the sequence number of the release within that LTS
release stream. Patch releases occur approximately four times a year and are
restricted to stability, operation, and security fixes. A given LTS release
stream is expected to have a life span of approximately five years. When the
current LTS release is approximately three years old, the Project will name
the new LTS release and will start a two-year end-of-life countdown for the
current LTS release. During this period, the Project will fix defects in both
LTS releases, but may only apply the most critical patches to the LTS release
that is in its end of life stage. Users are encouraged to develop a plan that
will help them upgrade quickly to the new LTS release so that they remain
on a supported release.
A few other details about LTS releases:
* Replication WILL work between patch releases of the same LTS release
stream. It SHOULD work with releases in other LTS or feature release
* Databases and configuration files will be usable in binary form with
new patch releases without modification, but do not need to be
compatible with older patch releases.
* LTS releases are feature-frozen. If a user needs to use a feature not
in an LTS release they'll need to migrate from the LTS release stream
to the feature release stream, accepting the terms of support for the
release stream.
Feature Releases
The Feature Release stream is intended for deployments that need to stay
abreast of feature and performance enhancements and can tolerate potentially
disruptive upgrade cycles every twelve to eighteen months. A feature release
is designated by an incremented minor release number (e.g., 2.6 changes to 2.7)
and is the primary avenue by which new features are introduced to the supported
OpenLDAP release stream. As with LTS releases, the patch number indicates the
sequence number within the particular feature release (e.g., 2.7.1, 2.7.2, etc).
The Project will apply fixes to the next patch release (e.g., 2.7.3) OR to the
next feature release (e.g., 2.8.0), depending on the timing of the Feature
Release. Additionally, the Project will apply bug fixes to the current LTS
release as appropriate. There will be a brief period during which patches will
be applied to both the outgoing and incoming feature releases to allow users
to upgrade their deployments.
A few other details about Feature Releases:
* Replication between various feature releases and LTS releases SHOULD
work, but is not required.
* Database and configuration files SHOULD remain usable in unmodified
forms with new feature releases, but it's not required.
* The feature release stream will add features and improve performance
more frequently than will the LTS release stream. While it will be
supported and defects corrected as they come up, the rules are
significantly different and users following this stream should be
ready to invest more effort in staying current.
* Bug fixes are ported to the current LTS release as deemed appropriate.
The Project will produce feature releases at a rate of approximately one every
twelve to eighteen months. These releases gather new features developed over
the course of the year into a single supported release. Periodically the
Project will designate a Feature Release as the new LTS release, and provide a
two-year support overlap of the two LTS releases. During the last year of
support for the earlier LTS release, only critical bugs will be fixed.
The Project has designated OpenLDAP 2.5 as the first LTS release and
OpenLDAP 2.6 as the first feature release. This feature release will be
followed in about a year by the next feature release, OpenLDAP 2.7.
Updates to the website (download page, etc) corresponding to the new policy
have not yet been made but will be coming shortly. This policy supersedes the
old policy described in…
-- Howard Chu
CTO, Symas Corp.
Director, Highland Sun
Chief Architect, OpenLDAP
OpenLDAP 2.5.11 is now available for download as detailed on our download page:
and should soon be available on all official mirrors:
This is a maintenance release and is made available for general use. Users of OpenLDAP Software are encouraged to upgrade.
Project contributors:
Quanah Gibson-Mount (Symas Corp)
OpenLDAP 2.5.11 Release (2022/01/20)
Fix broken build release variable
SHA3-512(openldap-2.5.11.tgz)= ad3176283268554dfe375e0e592484ece96824f2da06ccfd22be1ca65c9b2b6242d2b5b8b8e12429dee406840a9ae2672d25425603c6a4f1479338c5282e9a17
OpenLDAP 2.6.1 is now available for download as detailed on our download page:
and should soon be available on all official mirrors:
This is a maintenance release and is made available for general use. Users of OpenLDAP Software are encouraged to upgrade.
Project contributors:
Howard Chu (Symas Corp)
Quanah Gibson-Mount (Symas Corp)
Ondřej Kuzník (Symas Corp)
Community contributors:
HAMANO Tsukasa
OpenLDAP 2.6.1 Release (2022/01/20)
Fixed libldap to init client socket port (ITS#9743)
Fixed libldap with referrals (ITS#9781)
Added slapd config keyword for logfile format (ITS#9745)
Fixed slapd to allow objectClass edits with no net change (ITS#9772)
Fixed slapd configtable population (ITS#9576)
Fixed slapd to only set loglevel in server mode (ITS#9715)
Fixed slapd logfile-rotate use of uninitialized variable (ITS#9730)
Fixed slapd passwd scheme handling with slapd.conf (ITS#9750)
Fixed slapd postread support for modrdn (ITS#7080)
Fixed slapd syncrepl recreation of deleted entries (ITS#9282)
Fixed slapd syncrepl replication with ODSEE (ITS#9707)
Fixed slapd syncrepl to properly replicate glue entries (ITS#9647)
Fixed slapd syncrepl to reject REFRESH for precise resync (ITS#9742)
Fixed slapd syncrepl to avoid busy loop during refresh (ITS#9584)
Fixed slapd syncrepl when X-ORDERED is specified (ITS#9761)
Fixed slapd syncrepl to better handle out of order delete ops (ITS#9751)
Fixed slapd syncrepl to correctly close connections when config is deleted (ITS#9776)
Fixed slapd-mdb to update indices correctly on replace ops (ITS#9753)
Fixed slapd-wt to set correct flags (ITS#9760)
Fixed slapo-accesslog to fix assertion due to deprecated code (ITS#9738)
Fixed slapo-accesslog to fix inconsistently normalized minCSN (ITS#9752)
Fixed slapo-accesslog delete handling of multi-valued config attrs (ITS#9493)
Fixed slapo-autogroup to maintain values in insertion order (ITS#9766)
Fixed slapo-constraint to maintain values in insertion order (ITS#9770)
Fixed slapo-dyngroup to maintain values in insertion order (ITS#9762)
Fixed slapo-dynlist compare operation for static groups (ITS#9747)
Fixed slapo-dynlist static group filter with multiple members (ITS#9779)
Fixed slapo-ppolicy when not built modularly (ITS#9733)
Fixed slapo-refint to maintain values in insertion order (ITS#9763)
Fixed slapo-retcode to honor requested insert position (ITS#9759)
Fixed slapo-sock cn=config support (ITS#9758)
Fixed slapo-syncprov memory leak (ITS#8039)
Fixed slapo-syncprov to generate a more accurate accesslog query (ITS#9756)
Fixed slapo-syncprov to allow empty DB to host persistent syncrepl connections (ITS#9691)
Fixed slapo-syncprov to consider all deletes for sycnInfo messages (ITS#5972)
Fixed slapo-translucent to warn on invalid config (ITS#9768)
Fixed slapo-unique to warn on invalid config (ITS#9767)
Fixed slapo-valsort to maintain values in insertion order (ITS#9764)
Build Environment
Fix test022 to preserve DELAY search output (ITS#9718)
Fix slapd-watcher to allow startup when servers are down (ITS#9727)
Fixed slapo-lastbind to work with 2.6 lastbind-precision configuration (ITS#9725)
Fixed slapd.conf(5)/slapd-config(5) documentation on lastbind-precision (ITS#9728)
Fixed slapo-accesslog(5) to clarify logoldattr usage (ITS#9749)
SHA3-512(openldap-2.6.1.tgz)= f93b4335d855f7b167e78788a992ab522ea949ba08f9f136a0fdcae4e1426ccdc749221f465138c56729540552ae2f02fb70468148638ba56d981eb42f287ae5
OpenLDAP 2.5.10 is now available for download as detailed on our download page:
and should soon be available on all official mirrors:
This is a maintenance release and is made available for general use. Users of OpenLDAP Software are encouraged to upgrade.
Project contributors:
Howard Chu (Symas Corp)
Quanah Gibson-Mount (Symas Corp)
Ondřej Kuzník (Symas Corp)
Community contributors:
HAMANO Tsukasa
OpenLDAP 2.5.10 Release (2022/01/20)
Fixed libldap to init client socket port (ITS#9743)
Fixed libldap with referrals (ITS#9781)
Fixed slapd to allow objectClass edits with no net change (ITS#9772)
Fixed slapd syncrepl recreation of deleted entries (ITS#9282)
Fixed slapd syncrepl replication with ODSEE (ITS#9707)
Fixed slapd syncrepl to reject REFRESH for precise resync (ITS#9742)
Fixed slapd syncrepl when X-ORDERED is specified (ITS#9761)
Fixed slapd syncrepl to better handle out of order delete ops (ITS#9751)
Fixed slapd syncrepl to correctly close connections when config is deleted (ITS#9776)
Fixed slapd-mdb to update indices correctly on replace ops (ITS#9753)
Fixed slapd-wt to set correct flags (ITS#9760)
Fixed slapo-accesslog to fix inconsistently normalized minCSN (ITS#9752)
Fixed slapo-autogroup to maintain values in insertion order (ITS#9766)
Fixed slapo-constraint to maintain values in insertion order (ITS#9770)
Fixed slapo-dyngroup to maintain values in insertion order (ITS#9762)
Fixed slapo-dynlist compare operation for static groups (ITS#9747)
Fixed slapo-dynlist static group filter with multiple members (ITS#9779)
slapo-refint to maintain values in insertion order (ITS#9763)
Fixed slapo-retcode to honor requested insert position (ITS#9759)
Fixed slapo-syncprov memory leak (ITS#8039)
Fixed slapo-syncprov to generate a more accurate accesslog query (ITS#9756)
Fixed slapo-translucent to warn on invalid config (ITS#9768)
Fixed slapo-unique to warn on invalid config (ITS#9767)
Fixed slapo-valsort to maintain values in insertion order (ITS#9764)
Fixed slapo-accesslog(5) to clarify logoldattr usage (ITS#9749)
SHA3-512(openldap-2.5.10.tgz)= 4ecfba7af6a4e470581abb39525f25f68fee910777b58bec34ccd4be06f685ca87e81f5e6523055fbece46e749382f0ff239559dd39bb7660ed40d4a7a716232
OpenLDAP Version 2.6 Release Announcement
October 25, 2021
The OpenLDAP Project is pleased to announce the general availability of OpenLDAP Software version 2.6, a suite of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3) servers, clients, utilities, documentation, and development tools.
This release contains significant new function that has been contributed by Symas, its customers, and by other organizations and individuals that use OpenLDAP. The Project expects the 2.6 release to be extremely stable in its early releases given the small scope of changes involved. As with all new software, though, the Project recommends that users carefully test the software to ensure it meets their needs.
The following new components and capabilities are highlighted for this release:
Featured Enhancements
New LDAP Load Balancer Capabilities
* Additional load balancing strategies
* Additional options to improve coherence with certain controls and extended operations
* Ability to log directly to a file bypassing syslog
New OpenLDAP Server Capabilities
* Ability to log directly to a file bypassing syslog
OpenLDAP Software is developed by the OpenLDAP Project. The Project consists of a team of volunteers who use the Internet to coordinate their activities. The Project is an organized activity of the OpenLDAP Foundation.
OpenLDAP Software is derived from University of Michigan LDAP, release 3.3.
This software is available under the OpenLDAP Public License, a non-restrictive, "free", open-source license. Download information is available at:
Binary distributions are available from a number of sources, including Symas and the Linux Toolbox (LTB) Project
OpenLDAP Software is user supported:
In addition, commercial support is available from the vendors listed here:
The OpenLDAP Administrator's Guide, which includes quick-start instructions, is available at:
In addition, there are also a number of discussion lists related to OpenLDAP Software. A list of mailing lists is available
To report bugs, please use project's Issue Tracking System:
The OpenLDAP home page containing lots of interesting information and online documentation is available at this URL:
This release has been ported to many UNIX (and UNIX-like) platforms including Darwin, FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD and most commercial UNIX systems. The release has also been ported (in part or in whole) to other platforms including Apple MacOS X, IBM zOS, and Microsoft Windows NT/2000/etc.
OpenLDAP is a registered trademark of the OpenLDAP Foundation.
Copyright 1999-2021 The OpenLDAP Foundation, Redwood City, California, USA. All Rights Reserved. Permission to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document is granted.
OpenLDAP 2.5.9 is now available for download as detailed on our download page:
and should soon be available on all official mirrors:
This is a maintenance release and is made available for general use. Users of OpenLDAP Software are encouraged to upgrade.
Project contributors:
Howard Chu (Symas Corp)
Quanah Gibson-Mount (Symas Corp)
Ondřej Kuzník (Symas Corp)
OpenLDAP 2.5.9 Release (2021/10/25)
Fixed slapo-accesslog to initialize minCSN on import of 2.4 databases (ITS#9720)
SHA3-512(openldap-2.5.8.tgz)= be0308f9ffcbfafa2c3df88974334b12240d68f43009e688d868aa89c1e73d85d33bc14bb022a2d942ffb1ba8fe7b125ab6ab020d23f7b58c73ea4a922e71152
OpenLDAP 2.5.8 is now available for download as detailed on our download page:
and should soon be available on all official mirrors:
This is a maintenance release and is made available for general use. Users of OpenLDAP Software are encouraged to upgrade.
Project contributors:
Howard Chu (Symas Corp)
Quanah Gibson-Mount (Symas Corp)
Ondřej Kuzník (Symas Corp)
Community contributors:
Anton Avramov
David Coutadeur
Hamano Tsukasa
OpenLDAP 2.5.8 Release (2021/10/11)
Fixed libldap ldap_int_tls_connect: isdigit() requires unsigned char (ITS#9668)
Fixed libldap memory leak in ldap_get_option LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_PEERCERT (ITS#9696)
Fixed slapd to allow normalized values for namingContexts in cn=monitor (ITS#8341)
Fixed slapd to normalize the suffix in rootDSE (ITS#9664)
Fixed slapd slapadd to avoid destroying configDB prematurely (ITS#9678)
Fixed slapd to not spam logs with lastbind information (ITS#9156)
Fixed slapd slaptest migration to correctly set olcTSLVerifyClient (ITS#9711)
Fixed slapd-mdb multival delete handling (ITS#9712)
Fixed slapd-sql ldap_entry_objectclass table for mariadb/mysql (ITS#9679)
Fixed slapd-wt multiple issues (ITS#9463)
Fixed slapd-wt to close cache db correctly (ITS#9631)
Fixed slapo-ppolicy to restore OpenLDAP 2.4 compatibilty (ITS#9671)
Fixed slapo-syncprov to free uuid list when finished replaying sessionlog (ITS#6467)
Fixed libldap result.c compilation on musl systems (ITS#9648)
Fixed slapd duplicate definition of peerbv (ITS#9659)
Fixed test suite with memberof modular builds (ITS#9464)
Added man page for ppm contrib module (ITS#9644)
Fix crash when pwdCheckModuleArg is not defined for ppm (ITS#9656)
Fixed guide download link for heimdal (ITS#9669)
Fixed guide documentation for TLSECName (ITS#9687)
Fixed guide documentation missing tags (ITS#9693)
Fixed guide loadbalancer typo (ITS#9699)
Fixed guide synprov-nopresent redundant text (ITS#9689)
Fixed guide various typos and fix config alignment (ITS#9706)
Removed ppolicy.schema from servers/slapd/schema/README (ITS#9156)
Fixed slapd.conf(5)/slapd-config(5) to document default for database monitoring (ITS#9674)
Fixed slapd-meta(5)/slapd-asyncmeta(5) verbiage for try-propagate (ITS#9646)
Fixed slapo-syncprov(5) to note entryCSN indexing is highly recommended (ITS#9688)
SHA3-512(openldap-2.5.8.tgz)= be0308f9ffcbfafa2c3df88974334b12240d68f43009e688d868aa89c1e73d85d33bc14bb022a2d942ffb1ba8fe7b125ab6ab020d23f7b58c73ea4a922e71152