OpenLDAP 2.2.28
Found this:
Sep 10 10:25:34 ldap03 slapd[2498]: conn=10878784 fd=57 ACCEPT from IP=nn.nn.nn.nn:63038 (IP= Sep 10 10:25:34 ldap03 slapd[2498]: connection_init(57, IP=nn.nn.nn.nn:63042): set nonblocking failed Sep 10 10:25:34 ldap03 slapd[2498]: conn=10878788 fd=57 ACCEPT from IP=nn.nn.nn.nn:63042 (IP= Sep 10 10:25:34 ldap03 slapd[2498]: slapd shutdown: waiting for 1 threads to terminate Sep 10 10:26:08 ldap03 slapd[2498]: slapd stopped.
Is it shutting itself down because of the "set nonblocking failed"?
Anything I can do about that to stop it?
--On Wednesday, September 10, 2008 10:46 AM -0500 Curt Blank wrote:
OpenLDAP 2.2.28
This is ancient, I'd advise upgrading.
Is it shutting itself down because of the "set nonblocking failed"?
Anything I can do about that to stop it?
Upgrade. There were some issues around this fixed in 2006, Openldap 2.2.28 is from 2005.
Quanah Gibson-Mount Principal Software Engineer Zimbra, Inc -------------------- Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration