Hi all,
I just set up an OpenLDAP server on Centos5.2 and have some questions.
While all is good in terms of users being able to authenticate, login and find there home dirs, I have a problem were if I add a new attribute like;
mail: telephoneNumber:
and try to ldapmodify using a foo.ldif file with thos attributes, I get;
additional info: attribute 'mail' not allowed
Is this because I need more schemas?
My current setup supports these attributes;
dn: uid: objectClass: cn: userPassword: uidNumber: gidNumber loginShell: homeDirectory:
The schemas loaded in my slapd file are;
core.schema cosine.schema inetorgperson.schema nis.schema samba.schema apple.schema
I'm obviously very very shamefully new to OpenLDAP. My O'Reilly book lists those attributes as standard so I am at a loss.
- Brian