Sepp wrote:
Hello Howard,
at first, thank you for your very interesting answers !
Sepp wrote:
2.) Do we need the glue overlay in this context (I don't think so) ?
You only need glue if you want the overall database to appear unified, i.e. such that a subtree search from the root will return results from all of the databases.
This was the point of my question: I have no "overlay glue" directive in my slapd.conf, but with the following command I get the values of all description attributes in all subordinates:
ldapsearch -x -h localhost -p 389 -b "o=test,c=de" "description=*"
LDAP Browsing over all subordinate limits is no problem either.
Did I get you right that this should not really work without "overlay glue" ?
I must have misunderstood your question. If you have the databases declared as "subordinate" then the glue overlay is used automatically. In that case, you only need to specify it explicitly if you need to control its position in the overlay stack. Otherwise it works without you specifying it.
In terms of syncrepl there is no updatedn, so the question is moot. In terms of slurpd it's to prevent confusion when an administrator attempts to write on a slave; if the rootdn and updatedn are identical then the write will be allowed even though it may be improperly formatted.
In older manpages of slapd.conf (and in one new book) I found that syncrepl has the option updatedn=<dn> and that there is another "updatedn" which is only applicable when using slurpd. This is obsolete ?
Yes, it is obsolete. Whatever new book you're referring to is providing outdated information.
Btw, why is the very important option "exattrs" not part of the syncrepl description in the slapd.conf-Manpage ?
An oversight. Perhaps you could submit a patch for this to the ITS.