For the previous directory server which we used we had not used any specific OIDs.Now for openLDAP i need to have a specific OID. I have tried out all possible sample OIDs and have now i have gone back to my usual string instead of an OID,,,,like,,,
attributetype( ssarole-oid NAME 'ssarole' DESC 'This attribute defines the role' SYNTAX 'cis' MULTI-VALUE )
attributetype( ssaugtype-oid NAME 'ssaugtype' DESC 'This is Usergroup Type' SYNTAX 'cis' SINGLE-VALUE ) ..................
bjectclass( ssauser-oid NAME 'ssauser' DESC 'SSA User' SUP ssabase STRUCTURAL MAY( telephonenumber $ title $ mobile $ displayname $ facsimiletelephonenumber $ preferredlanguage $ postaladdress $ c ) )
objectclass( supplier-oid NAME 'supplier' DESC 'SSA Supplier' SUP ssauser STRUCTURAL MUST businesspartnerid )
but still the same problem persists.......that is either my schema file isnt being referred by server or an error saying
ldap_add: Invalid syntax (21) additional info: objectClass: value #1 invalid per syntax
KINDLY let me know as to how to get any OID for my purpose........or can i get away with having strings as OIDs.......
abd where else should i look into .
"shilpa muramkar" writes:
For the previous directory server which we used we had not used any specific OIDs.Now for openLDAP i need to have a specific OID.
I have tried out all possible sample OIDs and have now i have gone back to my usual string instead of an OID,,,,like,,,
attributetype( ssarole-oid NAME 'ssarole' DESC 'This attribute defines the role' SYNTAX 'cis' MULTI-VALUE )
discriptors to identify a syntax are not used in LDAP. You really should read a good book on LDAP to understand the protocol and schema design, in particular syntax specifications. I have pointed you already to RFC-4517 (Syntaxes and Matching Rules). For a first start you could read