Ralph Rößner wrote:
On Wed, Jul 18, 2007 at 05:45:06PM -0700, Maria McKinley wrote:
Augh. scratch that last email. That isn't what i meant to do. Here is what I did (and meant it. ;-))
I stopped slapd, and tried to put stuff in the database:
maude:/etc/ldap# slapadd -v -l ldif
got no error messages, restarted slapd, tried to search on something that should be there, but couldn't find it:
maude:/etc/ldap# ldapsearch -x "uid=ichbin"
# search result search: 2 result: 32 No such object
# numResponses: 1
Any ideas why I can't put stuff in the database? And any ideas why I have to start slapd using slapd instead of /etc/init.d/slapd start? I'm still pretty new at this stuff obviously...
A possible reason for the first point is that you have declared an index on "uid". If you have any indices declared and slapadd a database then you have to slapindex it as well. OpenLDAP will not regenerate a missing index on its own.
Not quite. slapadd will generate indices for everything that was configured at the time of the slapadd. You only need to run slapindex if you define a new index on an existing DB.
The log lines before those you posted in your first mail would hint at an index miss if I'm barking up the right tree here. Anyway, slapindex'ing the cold(!) database cannot hurt.
Well... It generally performs twice as much DB I/O as slapadd, since it must read every entry in order to generate the index data. In that respect, it can be painfully slow.