Jan-Piet Mens skrev, on 21-09-2007 08:19:
howto. I think a great howto would be one that expands on this: http:// mattfleming.com/node/190 except going into much more detail outlining every step necessary for it to work.
Documents such as the one you mention are, apart from quite good-looking, rather useless to the world at whole; papers that start off with `apt-get ...', are useless as they supply information to only a small portion of users, and what is worse, information that quickly is outdated, or incorrect to start with. Furthermore, most people simply "write-and-forget", meaning they never come back to update their "howtos" for a next version of the respective software.
I tell people, "If you want howtos, buy Windows".
Generally, all "HOWTO"s are to be despised and regarded as dog food (but there's quite tasty dog food out there).
I used to write my few own guides, but always stressed that these were not HOWTOs, simply "what works for me". I stressed that I hated the word "HOWTO".
Gavin's suggestion to augment the Admin Guide with real-world configuration examples can only be applauded. Examples of ACL, grouping, etc. with descriptions would greatly enhance the value of the OpenLDAP documentation.
I still have to get around to "what works for me" for writing up for Gavin delta-syncrepl chaining and ppolicy (for our site, the latter greatest thing since sliced gnats ;) )