Jason Gerfen wrote:
Jason Gerfen wrote:
Appreciated. I tried to google for this information but could not find it.
Ok well it looks like I needed the -x operation for plaintext authentication which seems to be working ok.
Here is the command I am using now: %> ldapmodify -v -x -f .UID2SID/modify-06.23.2008-mclame.ldif -h domain -D username -w password
Here is the ldif file: dn: CN=mclame mclame,CN=Users,DC=domain changetype: modrdn newrdn: CN=mclame,CN=Users,DC=domain deleteoldrdn: 1
And here is the error I am recieving: ldap_initialize( ldap://domain ) modifying rdn of entry "CN=mclame mclame,CN=Users,DC=domain" new RDN: "CN=mclame,CN=Users,DC=domain" (do not keep existing values) rename completed ldapmodify: Naming violation (64) additional info: 00000057: LdapErr: DSID-0C090987, comment: Error in attribute conversion operation, data 0, vece
Any assistance is appreciated.
Your problem seems to be unrelated to any aspect of OpenLDAP software, and thus is not relevant to this mailing list. It seems you simply don't understand LDAP. For general LDAP questions, try ldap@umich.edu.
Hint: learn the difference between a DN and an RDN.
Jon Roberts wrote:
When seeking help on OSS, you should include the versions of the software you are using and the error output at a minimum.
Jason Gerfen wrote:
I am having a problem with the following command: ldapmodify -n -v -h DOMAIN -D "CN=DOMAINADMIN" -w DOMAINADMINPASS -f .UID2SID/modify-06.19.2008-mclame.ldif
I am not sure why this is but if anyone could give me some pointers on the ldapmodify command I would appreciate it.
Look at the LDIF modification examples in RFC 2849.
The contents of the modify-06.19.2008-mclame.ldif
dn: CN=mclame mclame,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com changetype: modify modify: dn cn msSFUName unixHomeDirectory msSFUHomeDirectory uidNumber gidNumber loginShell
There is no basis in LDIF for this last line that I know of.
dn: CN=mclame,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com
This is not how you change the dn of an entry. Read about "changetype: modrdn".
cn: mclame cn: mclame
What is the point of having duplicate values here?
msSFUName: mclame unixHomeDirectory: /home/mclame msSFUHomeDirectory: /home/mclame
Again, you probably need to spend some quality time with RFC 2849 and any other resources you have on LDIF.
Jon Roberts www.mentata.com