--On Wednesday, December 13, 2006 12:16 PM -0800 "Steven Harms (stharms)" stharms@cisco.com wrote:
Hi all,
New LDAP implementor here.
I'm trying to document disaster recovery steps.
Assuming a single master and 3 replicas.
[Q1]: Is this an acceptable architecture? In the master's slapd.conf I define 3 replica statements, and on the 3 replica servers I use this master as the updateref.
If all the replicas fail and the master survives, I'm trying to figure out how to restore service.
- Establish replacement replicas
- (master) slapcat -l /resync.ldif. Copy to each replica.
- (each replica) slapadd -l /resync.ldif
Now here's the sticky part. The slurpd.replog has entries that were destined for the replicas. Now that I've sync'd via slapadd, these are not necessary.
How can I clean out the replog back-queue to a pristine start?
I suppose, more generally, I'm asking: How do a start replication all over. What files can / should I delete. Which should I not under any circumstance touch?
Why not just use syncrepl or delta-syncrepl? They support catch up. Slurpd will be removed in the near future, and is pretty much at an evolutionary dead end.
-- Quanah Gibson-Mount Principal Software Developer ITS/Shared Application Services Stanford University GnuPG Public Key: http://www.stanford.edu/~quanah/pgp.html