Hi All,
I'm half way through implementing and LDAP Master/Slave setup and have ground to
a halt on replication.
I have LDAP working fine on the master and Samba works fine with it but I can't
get the slurpd to push changes to the slave.
When I try I get the following:
Apr 5 15:15:37 smb7 slapd[5578]: fd=16 DENIED from unknown (
I have the following in slapd.conf on the master:
replica host=
bindmethod=simple credentials=??????????? (omitted for obvious
and this on the slave:
# Replicas running syncrepl as non-rootdn
limits group="cn=Replicator,dc=Group,dc=bordengrammar,dc=kent,dc=sch,dc=uk"
# ACL ensuring replicator has write access
access to *
by group="cn=Replicator,ou=Group,dc=bordengrammar,dc=kent,dc=sch,dc=uk" write
by * read
# Replica configuration (if this server is a slave)
updatedn "cn=Replicator,dc=People,dc=bordengrammar,dc=kent,dc=sch,dc=uk"
updateref "ldap://"
I've created a group called Replicator and a user in it called Replicator but I
keep getting the fd16 message.
Any suggestions and also which files do you need to check out.