What has better performance , when using with OpenLdap 2.4.19 -
Berkeley DB 4.5.20 or 4.7.25 ?
Small DB (5-20 Mb), but many parallel read/write requests to it.
--On October 8, 2009 8:20:39 PM +0400 Evgeniy evplus@yandex.ru wrote:
What has better performance , when using with OpenLdap 2.4.19 -
Berkeley DB 4.5.20 or 4.7.25 ?
Small DB (5-20 Mb), but many parallel read/write requests to it.
Probably BDB 4.8.
Quanah Gibson-Mount Principal Software Engineer Zimbra, Inc -------------------- Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration
09.10.09, 03:33, "Quanah Gibson-Mount" quanah@zimbra.com:
Probably BDB 4.8.
In changelog I see comments about сompatibility with BDB 4.4....4.7 .
OpenLdap 2.4.19 compatible with BDB 4.8 ?
What has better performance , when using with OpenLdap 2.4.19 - Berkeley DB 4.5.20 or 4.7.25 ? Small DB (5-20 Mb), but many parallel read/write requests to it.
Evgeniy wrote:
09.10.09, 03:33, "Quanah Gibson-Mount" quanah@zimbra.com:
Probably BDB 4.8.
In changelog I see comments about сompatibility with BDB 4.4....4.7 .
Probably 4.8.24 was not yet released when this comment was added.
OpenLdap 2.4.19 compatible with BDB 4.8 ?
I could even build 2.4.18 with BDB 4.8.24.
Ciao, Michael.